Jan 25, 2011


r3, feb 23.
I have concerns about the PK (it needs some mods), but the alternatives
for my wife always have some obstacle in the features she requires.
(some are also factors for many women and for older folks)
(also knowing that some other 380 guns cannot be legally imported)

- - - - Factors favoring the PK for my wife - - - -

It's not a revolver, and it's easy to rack slide (less than 9 pounds peak).
It's not 9x19, 40, 45 (can jam with weak or one-hand grip; often Glocks).
As in defense, the PK can be fired one-handed without cycling jams.
After shakedown, reliability reports usually above 97 pct (IF safety is off).

The barrel is 3.7", with a long sight radius; with 10" twist, gives
point-first hits through 50 ft, with maybe 3" drop.
It has a rail, which can be shimmed to accept common devices.
If needed, it's small and light enough for concealed-carry.
It's not an always-hot-trigger war gun; and it has a real safety.

It shoots 180 ft-lb, enough for most jobs using FMJ round nose.
Has adequate SA/DA trigger (should polish DA cams; add grip depth)
Indoor noise under 142dBc, limits ear damage/temporary deafness.
(repeated temporary deafness has had my ears ringing for 40 years)

My PK has s/n PK022---. .I've looked at several PK's at gun shows
recently that ranged up to PK056---, all 2010 (BA) guns.
There are only two substantial differences that I noticed in those guns.
The safety spools are now black, so hopefully there has been further
improvement in the metallurgy and/or processing of the spools.
Combined with the lack of reports of problems with 2010 spools,
the spool breakage problem might be history.
But as insurance I would buy one with s/n above PK035000.

For those who so choose, the Walex laser's housing is different
now (no dimples), so maybe the shutoff problem is history.
There are some small green lasers appearing, though they protrude
ahead of the short PK rail. (green mainly for daylight aiming)

Jan 6, 2011


I'm trying to get a better idea of the extent and nature of breaking
hammer block spools, particularly if any are sn-pk030______ and up.
I don't have confidence that Walther/Umarex/Smith will do their duty.

I need the first few numerals in serial numbers, and date code(AK,BA,BB)on
the slide, and pics if available. (at least a description of the break)

I only know of about 7 to 10 broken spools, but there must be more, possibly
many more. It seems that 2009 guns had the problem, but maybe not 2010 guns.
Looking at recent PK's, I see that the spool color has changed to flat black.
This might indicate a change in metallurgy or processing.

A comment here, or email to ebrownee@gmail.com would be useful.